HomeDragonQuest (DQ)Welcome to the DragonQuest Frontiers!


Welcome to the DragonQuest Frontiers! — 7 Comments

    • THANK YOU! I am so very happy to “meet” you. I am astounded by the amount of work you had on the site, as I recover contents from the Wayback Machine. I hate when good sites disappear, and I have a love of DQ going back 30+ years to when one of my GMs introduced us to it.

      Did you receive my email address? I’d love to continue this discussion more privately.

  1. I left DQing awhile ago, my friends and I used his site . . . . It was fantastic : ) I’m looking to getting back into the DQing again and am pleased to see you are working on raising the site back from the Dead. I’ll explore it soon in Detail, I just wanted to give you a quick thanks first. THANKS

    • I wonder if this comment was posted by my late friend Gary…we used to play this all the time just out of highschool and I miss it, and him, so much.

  2. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 41 years ago today Dragonquest I played the game for the first time. Thanks for all your efforts to resurrect the site!!! Good Gamingin 2023!

  3. I have been working on an Excel sheet for DQ. I have a version that works well for 3rd ed but was customized a bit to our GM’s campaign. Our game quit for a while and is now starting up again using the the 2014 NZ rules and I am in the process of modifying the sheet to work with those. If you’d like I can send you the previous version, with a little excel know how it can be modified for any rules.


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